State of the Airlines

Thursday, April 21, 2005

OPINION: Airline Reality Distortion Field Strength Increase

The already formidable Airline Reality Distortion Field (yes, capitalized because it exists...I swear dammit)appears to be gaining strength. I've warned you in other posts about its amazing effect that make things like losing $174 million dollars seem ok. Consider what happened today as the airlines announced Q1 losses left and right.

Delta Airline stock rose today despite racking up over a billion dollar loss in Q1 all on the "strength" (pause...don't laugh...don't even smile) of the possible relief coming their way via the pension bill introduced in the Senate yesterday. You know...the bill that hasn't even been passed into law yet. The distortion field was so strong the Northwest stock also rose.

America West Airline stock fell today despite the fact that they posted a Q1 profit. Where's the love people?

Airlines continue to say a combination of low fares and high fuel costs are crushing them. The reality distortion field is so strong it has apparently caused airlines to forget that they are the ones who actually control fares. I'd remind them that they could agressively raise fares to cover costs but I fear the Airline Reality Distortion Field would focus its objectivity sucking ways on me. Soon I'd be telling you that all is well in the industry. Must...resist...the...p o w e r