State of the Airlines

Thursday, February 03, 2005

NEWS: US Airways Forces Overtime

US Airways is telling their baggage handlers at Reagan Int'l Airport to either sign up for overtime or it will be assigned to them. Apparently the carrier is understaffed and not prepared to handle the additional 50 flights they intend to start operating this Sunday. But hey, they are going to have a job fair on Thursday so everybody just head on down, I'm sure they'll sign anybody with a pulse.

First of all, how inept is this? Its not like the decision to operate more flights out of Reagan Int'l snuck up on them. They are just getting to a job fair now? Its the little things like this that re-inforce my belief the US Airways does not deserve bankruptcy protection. Second, I am recommending a "How to Make Friends and Influence People" refresher course for the management at US Airways. Walking around with a hammer beating on people for months on end (figuratively speaking) tends to suck the morale right out of an organization.