State of the Airlines

Friday, December 02, 2005

NEWS: Old Ghosts Haunt the "New" US Airways

The ghost of broken rules past came to visit the "new" US Airways today in the form of background check violations that occurred at America West in 2002-2003. The TSA has given them formal notification that they will be fined nearly $180,000 for failing to background check people working in secure areas at their airport facilities. Ummm...oops? A few things hit me regarding this:
-Its 2005, damn near 2006, what took the TSA so long to figure this one out!?!
-I wonder what, or who, put the TSA onto this trail in the first place.
-Why do I feel good about posting something involving an airline and a $ sign without having to add the word "million" or "billion"?

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