State of the Airlines

Monday, February 07, 2005

NEWS: Airline Performance Down but Still OK

The Department of Transportation (DOT)have released their airline performance statistics for 2004. Its a mixed message with airlines performing well overall when compared to historical numbers but down when compared to just 2003. Customer complaints were up and on-time performance was down significantly in 2004 from 2003 but still ranked among the better performances historically. So what is changing here?

Are airlines just getting better and more honest about reporting this information to the DOT? I doubt it...ok...seriously, you can stop laughing now. Are we starting to see the effects of airlines trying to operate at levels beyond what their staffing levels can support? Could be. 2004 was a banner year for slashing payroll and positions. Or is it just easier than ever for consumers to complain? Might be some of that too. Website feedback forms and email make it easier than ever for customers to complain. They can do it anonymously, without needing to take any grief from a customer service rep. Do the airlines need to care about these numbers? I think so. They tend to sway public perception. 2005 will be a difficult year. Those airlines that inflict the least pain and suffering on the flying public stand to gain once ticket price becomes less of a factor (and it will).