State of the Airlines

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

NEWS: Delta Airlines Change goes like "Clockwork"

You may recall that last week Delta Airlines unleashed Operation Clockwork, one of their biggest single day operational changes ever. The plan is designed to spread out aircraft arrivals and departures over the day as opposed to clustering flights around "peak times". Delta has announced that the first week under Operation Clockwork was very successful posting some of their best dispatch and on time arrival number.

I know what you are thinking...this is kinda like a parent calling their 1 week old kid a genius but the numbers are pretty good. The logic behind the plan is very straight forward and makes a lot of sense. Spreading out you operation evenly lets you use labor more effectively and makes your schedule more "delay tolerant". Here's another wrinkle that Delta brings up. Taxi time is down 25% under the new operation which should cut fuel costs. This is the type of stuff that looks good to people itching to invest money in an airline (seriously, there are still some of them around)